Nau Mai, Haere Mai ki te Ruma e Toru!

Nga mihi mahana ki a koutou!

Welcome to the learning world of Room 3 at Sacred Heart School, Thorndon, Wellington, New Zealand. We are a wonderful group of Year Three children, attending an inner city school in Wellington , New Zealand. Our playground space is the smallest in the country!
This blog aims to share regular snapshots of our learning journey during 2011. Come back and visit us often.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Clifford, Our Mascot, Goes South

Clifford went to Christchurch the weekend before last. He was safe inside during the aftershocks. Then he recovered at school for a week and headed south again , this time to Dunedin with Daniel.

In Christchurch with Amma

In Dunedin with Daniel

Skiwi's First Adventure

 Skiwi went for his first adventure to Harry's home. Here are some of the things he got up to. It looks like he came back to school for a rest!

Kelly Sports Session

Last week we had a fun session with Libby from Kelly Sports. We got to try lots of different activities in a circuit. Here are some pictures of our session.

Our Home Reading Awards!

Miss Tanner has been really busy keeping track of all the days we bring our home reading logs back to school with  comments. She keeps a running total, and every two weeks there is a lucky prize draw. She also keeps a track of the groups with children who have every member with their home reading log commented on. These group get an extra reward!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Parliament Trip

Thanks to all the wonderful helpers who helped with the trip to Parliament. What a great trip! Such a lot of learning happened. It took us two days to write about it! Jarrod and D.J enjoyed being Prime Minister, and Harry made a great speaker! Here are some of our Beehive pictures, almost as real as the photo!

Wellington, Our City

We have been getting ready for our own research on Wellington. We have asked some questions together as a class, and found ways to answer them.
Here is a sample of our work so far...

One of our questions.
We wrote what we already knew about Wellington, and what we would like to find out. Then we mapped where in Wellington we all come from.

Next we posed a question "Does Wellington's weather mean that people choose to do certain things for fun?" This was our first attempt at working in small groups, and we did really well. We all had to agree before we could stick anything on the page. Charlotte was the best leader because she managed to get her group to agree to every activity!

Our Interactive Whiteboard

This year the teachers at Sacred Heart School are learning a great deal about using the interactive whiteboard as a tool for teaching and learning. We have been having lots of meetings to learn new ways to use them. Here is a video of us using it to count in tens, forwards and backwards, on the 100s board. I am sorry about the quality!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Want To Know What We Look Like When We Are Working?

We have been working on not interfering with other's learning in anyway , and on allowing them space to think. So when we have independent work times, unless someone asks us to help them we are focused on our work. Miss Cranney thinks we are getting much better at it.

Proud As Punch!

Kelly Sports rewarded four of their most loyal participants to the after school sessions.

Chinese Paper Cutting

A little while ago now, we were lucky enough to have a visit from some expert Chinese paper cutters as a part of the Chinese New Year celebrations. We all got to make a more simple Chinese paper cut. They are now on our class wall. Here we are at the paper cutting session...

And finally, on the wall!

Sorry About The Delay With Updating...

We were waiting for all the permission slips to come back in . Now we are ready to roll!